Congratulations to one of our key supporters, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, who alongside Water Corporation and other contributing organisations, took out the Organisational Excellence Award at the 2024 Australian Water Awards with the Waterwise Perth Action Plan 2019.
The Australian Water Awards recognise outstanding achievements of organisations, individuals and students. They are an opportunity for the water community to showcase innovation, leadership and ways the sector is addressing the challenges of driving a sustainable water future.

Winsome MacLaurin, Waterwise Cities Program Manager at Department of Water and Environmental Regulation who is on a placement with us at Danjoo Koorliny, and Adrienne Sanders, Waterwise Project Manager at the time of the first plan (now District Manager for the Kimberley), attended the awards ceremony in Melbourne on 1 May 2024.
The Waterwise Perth Action Plan represented the first time key Government agencies across the areas of water, environment, development, planning, community, transport, finance, and sport and recreation came together to work towards achieving a shared vision of Perth (Boorloo) as a leading waterwise city by 2030.
Led by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and Water Corporation, eight State Government agencies collectively delivered 38 actions through the Plan.
“By creating such a solid foundation, we have gone from strength to strength in successive plans,” said Winsome.
The subsequent plan, Kep Katitjin – Gabi Kaadadjan Waterwise Perth Action Plan 2, was launched in 2022 with deep guidance and advice from Danjoo Koorliny and Bindjareb Elders. It has been a step change that emphasised walking together with Whadjuk and Bindjareb Noongar people, climate resilience, and water quality and ecological health. Kep Katitjin – Gabi Kaadadjan Waterwise plan 3 is being launched in National Water Week in October this year.